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Guizhou Science and Technology Support Engineering Project—Acceptance of “The Demonstration Subject on Poverty Alleviation”

The ISA of CAS sponsored Guizhou Science and Technology Support Engineering Project of CAS—"The demonstration on poverty alleviation by Science and Technology in Guizhou—off-season uncontaminated vegetable, soil modified in low-yield farmland dry farming, base construction of high-quality aquatic products and its industrial development", which was participated in by eight units including Kunming Institute of Zoology and Guizhou Horticultural Institute etc. On August 29th, 2008, the project was successfully passed the check of expert panels from the Domestic Cooperation Bureau of CAS, Kunming Branch of CAS, and Science and Technology Department of Guizhou Province in Guiyang city.

On the base of having viewed the experimental field, listened to report by subject host, and the additional remarks by the leader from the local government implementation departments, through a careful evaluation on the implementation of the subject, the Acceptance Expert Group agreed that the subject for the existed problems on the development of agricultural production in mountain areas of Guizhou, choosing a typical representative of the region as a pilot demonstration base for the main demonstration and research contents on off-season non-pollution vegetable, soil modified in low-yield farmland dry farming, and development and demonstration of high-quality aquatic products, through the introduction of the advanced, mature, and related production and the industrialization practical techniques, carrying out research results for popularization and application in the experimental area, having made its due contribution to promote the development of agricultural production in mountain areas of Guizhou. A number of scheming tasks, such as the construction of demonstration base, training personnel, technology introduction and its popularization, experimental study, creation of economic benefits, and so on, had been overfull completed after the subject implementation.

Subject had been started on June 2005, by the end of June 2008. It was always adhering to the science and technology as a mean of poverty alleviation, had established a total of 11.3 million mu of various types of bases, which led the development of 85,187 mu in surrounding areas; yielded 407,57.49 million kilograms of pollution-free vegetables, drought grains, high-quality fish, and bred 105 million tails of various fish; recorded a total output value of 443,37.52 yuan, newly increased output value of 127,99.2 million yuan, ultra-completed 288% of scheming tasks; hosted 73 various training courses, hold 10 technical scene training, trained 13,830 persons (times) of  planter, culturist households and agricultural technicians, ultra-completed 53.7% of scheming tasks. Meanwhile, the subject carried out 74 pilot studies, set up 17 high-performance production modes and 27 high-performance production technologies for the problems of pollution-free vegetable production and industrialization development, efficient cultivation of drought grains, culture of high quality fish, etc.; completed the introduction of 223 new superior varieties of vegetables, drought grains, fish (78 superior varieties adapted to local environment through selection and appraisal), 44 new pharmaceutical, 16 new materials. 33 research papers and 3 monographs had been published, and 5 patents (4 authorized) were declared after the subject implementation. (Sep. 1, 2008)

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