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Dr. Xu Xian-li from University College Cork, Ireland, visists ISA

On June 2, Dr. Xu Xian-li, from University College Cork, Ireland, was invited to visit the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and made an academic exchange report. The entitle of his report was "Environmental Effects model of simulating the process of water and soil". He introduced the latest progress in model simulation of eco-hydrological and soil erosion, and other environmental effects.
Dr. Xu Xianli has mainly engaged in model simulation of landscape pattern, soil and water. He has made important achievements in vadose zone hydrology, soil carbon estimates based on geostatistical and GIS techniques. At present, his research focuses on land use and climate changes effect on soil hydrological functions, soil erosion and soil carbon losses, modification of the existed model (GeoTop) module, development of a risk assessment model of soil quality based on GIS.

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