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Prof. Philip Charles Brookes Revisits Institute of Subtropical Agriculture

Prof. Philip Charles Brookes paid a visit to the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture (ISA) again during June 23 to July 17.

Prof. Philip Charles Brookes is from Rothamsted Research, UK and he is a distinguished researcher of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). Furthermore, he is the first authorized distinguished professor of ISA.

Prof. Philip Charles gave 10 lectures about soil microbe process for young researchers and postgraduates during his visit. In his lectures, he uses a simple but profound way to anatomize the effect and maintenance mechanism of the black box---soil microbe in soil substance cycle and soil ecology function.

He also finished research work on crop photosynthetic carbon assimilation inputting soil carbon pool with his colleagues in ISA. They together found the signi?cant incorporation of photosynthates into SOC, DOC and MBC occurred in ?ooded rice soil.

They also agree on that rice inputs more C into soil in the field over an extended number of seasons. If the retardant effect of the photosynthesized C on decomposition of SOC (i.e. negative priming effect) also occurs in the field in the longer term, proportionately more C is likely to be sequestered in paddy soils. This information is important for understanding the role of the below-ground biomass in the storage and dynamics of SOC in flooded rice-soil systems.

Prof. Philip Charles’ rigorous scientific attitude,hard working style and lively teaching style impressed the young researchers and postgraduates of ISA.

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