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The President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) for Professor Alexander N. Hristov’s First Visit ISA

Time:7 to 21 May, 2017
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Dr. Min Wang picks up at Changsha Airport (MU 5367)
Arrival in Changsha at 23:40 and check in Xindaguidu Hotel
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
08:00-08:30 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
10:00 – 12:00 Visiting ISA Campus and Laboratory
12:00-14:00 Lunch time and rest at Eatery of ISA
14:30 – 17:30 Presentation: Amino Acids Nutrition in Ruminants (decided by Alex)
Thursday, 11 May 2017
08:00-08:30 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
9:00 – 18:00 Field trip (to small holder and factory of dairy farm)
Friday, 12 May 2017
09:00 – 12:00 Manuscript revision at Hotel
12:00-13:00 Lunch time and rest at Eatery of ISA
14:30 – 17:30 Experiment discussion
Saturday, 13 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
Whole day Sightseeing Changsha City (History and culture)
Sunday, 14 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
Whole day Break
Monday, 15 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
08:30-12:00 Presentation: Methane emission in ruminants (decided by Alex)
12:00-13:00 Lunch time and rest at Eatery of ISA
14:00-17:30 MS revision (Zhang Xiumin) and dinner at Eatery of ISA
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
08:30-17:30 MS revision (Ma Zhiyuan)
12:00-13:00 Lunch time and rest at Eatery of ISA
14:00-18:00 Cooperative experiment discussion (Dr. Zhou Chuanshe) and dinner at Eatery of ISA
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
08:30 – 11:30 Presentation: How to publish high quality paper (research filed, experiment design et al., decided by Alex)
12:00-13:00 Lunch time and rest at Eatery of ISA
14:30 – 17:00 Experiment Discussion (Tsegay Teklebrhan)
Thursday, 18 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
Whole day MS revision (Wang Rong) in Hotel
08:30-17:00 MS revision
Afternoon Visiting Hunan Agricultural University and presentation: Lipid nutrition in ruminants (decided by Alex)
Saturday, 20 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
Whole day free activities (shopping et al.)
Sunday, 21 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
Whole day Graduate Students’ Defensing Meeting
Monday, 22 May 2017
07:30-08:00 Mr and Mrs Alex Hristov have breakfast at first floor, the Dining Hall of Xindaguidu Hotel:
08:30 Depart to airport

Brief Introduction of the Reporter:
Dr. Alexander N. Hristov is a Professor of Dairy Nutrition in the Department of Animal Science at The Pennsylvania State University with an appointment of 25% teaching and 75% research. He earned his Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from the Bulgarian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and has worked as a Research Scientist in his native Bulgaria, the USDA-ARS Dairy Forage Research Center in Madison, WI, and Ag Canada’s Research Center in Lethbridge, AB. Dr. Hristov was Assistant and Associate Professor of Dairy Nutrition with the Department of Animal and Veterinary Science at the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID for 9 years before he came to Penn State in Jan 2008 as an Associate Professor of Dairy Nutrition, and was promoted to Full Professor in 2013. Dr. Hristov teaches courses in Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Advanced Dairy Herd Management, and Ruminology at Penn State. His main field of research is dairy cow nutrition, specifically improving the efficiency of utilization of dietary nutrients for milk synthesis and reducing nutrient losses and gaseous emissions from dairy operations. Dr. Hristov has served as Division Editor for the Ruminant Nutrition Section of the Journal of Animal Science and Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Animal Science. His published works include more than 120 refereed-journal articles, as well as several book chapters. He has also been the editor of two books. Dr. Hristov is a member of the American Dairy Science Association, American Society of Animal Science, Federation of Animal Science Societies, and the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists. He is also the current coordinator of the Network and Database on Feed and Nutrition in Relation to Greenhouse gas Emissions (FNN), an activity of the Livestock Research Group (LRG) within the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and member of the Feed Composition Committee of the National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP).

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