International Symposium on Key Technologies Promoting Swine Health sponsored by SANSITI
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Recently, the international symposium on the topic of “Key Technologies Promoting Swine Health” was hosted in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, China, under the auspices of the Premix INVE Nutrition company, Ltd, in Shenzhen. The symposium was sponsored by the Strategic Alliance on National Swine Industrial Technology Innovation (SANSITI), cooperated with the branch of the Chinese Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, the Swine Science Society.
More than 300 researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs from universities and institutes, pork firms in Canada, USA and Taiwan attended the symposium. During the symposium, Dr. Chen Huanchun, academician of China Academy of Engineering from Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), Dr Yin Yulong, president of the Coalition and senior research fellow of Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Science (ISA) and Dr Li Julang, professor of University of Guelph, Canada and other 10 experts presented keynote speeches on the symposium. Their presentations focused on diverse topics, such as current epidemiological characteristics of swine diseases, intestinal health of the swine and the applying biotechnology in antiauxin-free diet. During the symposium, the conference delegates visited the experiment center of INVE as well.
SANSITI was sponsored and organized by Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISA) in 2009. The symposium sponsored by the coalition provided an excellent platform for communicating the latest progress in key technology of pig production, which is of great help both for institutes and enterprises.