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Soil Systems Biology Joint Laboratory

The ISA-CAS and UWA Joint Laboratory for Soil Systems Biology was jointly established by The Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISA-CAS) and the University of Western Australia (UWA) on 26 November 2013. The main tasks of this joint laboratory are cooperative research, academic exchange, and capacity building in soil organisms and their role in soil-plant-microbial interactions and biogeochemical cycling.

Addressing national strategic needs in both China and Australia for sustainable land use and management, the joint laboratory carries out internationally recognised research on the diversity and function of soil organisms and their regulation. Key research programmes are focussed on understanding and managing

?Basic composition, structure, diversity, and regional characteristics of soil organisms

?The interaction between soil organisms, the process they mediate and enhanced agricultural productivity

?Development of novel technologies for evaluating soil process and their regulation

?The development and delivery of new technologies and management practices for farmers

The joint laboratory is co-chaired by Professor Wu Jinshui (jswu@isa.ac.cn) of the ISA-CAS and Professor Tony O’Donnell (tony.odonnell@uwa.ac.au) from UWA.