- Will Rat Supplemented with CGA Affect Amino Acid and Energy Metabolism?10 29, 2014
- Why Hindgut Exceeded the Small Intestine in Fibre Digestion and Cellulose is Easily Digested than Neutral Netergent Fibre?10 27, 2014
- Subtropical Central China Undergoing Strong Landscape Pattern Changes10 20, 2014
- Co-products from Agro-industrial Plants – an Attractive Approach to Reduce Feed Cost10 17, 2014
- Functional Amino Acids Improve Intestinal Tract Health in Early Weaned Pigs10 15, 2014
- High Water Level Impedes the Adaptation of Polygonum Hydropiper to Deep Burial in Dongting Lake10 15, 2014
- Eyes on Small Mammal Community Succession in Three Gorges Reservoir09 30, 2014
- Dietary Supplementation with Glutamic Acid Assumes Active Function in Piglets Challenged with Deoxynivalenol09 29, 2014
- Novel Gene -- A Key to Control Infectious Diseases in Swine Production09 29, 2014
- Novel Lactic Acid-Producing Bacteria -- A Key to Control Foodborne Pathogen Infection in Swine Production09 28, 2014
- Small Headwater Watersheds-A Force Should be Reckoned in Water Quality09 26, 2014
- Diversity of Endophytic Bacterial Communities Associated with Hyperaccumulators Grow in Mine Soils09 25, 2014
- Tryptophan Supplemented in Diet Enhances Protein Accretion and Reduces Fat Deposition09 19, 2014
- Arginine: a Novel Beneficial Mediator in Intestinal Microbial Population and Innate Immunity09 18, 2014
- Microbial Autotrophy Plays A Significant Role in the CO2 Fixation in Surface Soils09 16, 2014
- Soil Clay Content Makes No Difference to SOC Mineralization in Subtropical Paddy Soils04 01, 2014
- Soil Nematodes as Indicators in Assessment of Management Practices of Hybrid Napiergrass (Guimu-1) in Karst Area03 21, 2014
- A Globally Universal Model of EstimatingParameter Enhances the Applicability of the Budyko Framework02 27, 2014
- Birth Process Induces Oxidative Stress and Promotes the Development of Antioxidant System12 06, 2013
- Expansion of Biofuel Production Should Consider Its Impacts on Water Resources12 05, 2013