- Carbon Allocation in Rice–soil Systems Affected by Plant Age, Chase Period and Nitrogen Input During Crop Growth03 26, 2019
- C/P Ratio of Root-detritus Affects Distribution and Dynamics of Enzyme Activities in Root-detritusphere03 26, 2019
- How Alkaline Phosphomonoesterase-harboring Microorganisms Contribute to P Mineralization in P-depleted Soil?03 26, 2019
- D- and L-Aspartate Administration Regulates Young Pigs Growth Performance and Gut Microbiota Alterations02 25, 2019
- Can Rumen Cannulation Alter Ruminal Dissolved Gases and Methanogen Community in Dairy Cows?02 21, 2019
- Nitrogen Fertilizer Enhanced Dynamics of Rice Rhizo-C and its Allocation to Microorganisms in Paddy Soils01 10, 2019
- To Shake or Not to Shake: Novel Approach for Lab Microcosm’s Incubation Experiments to Estimate CH4 Oxidation in Paddy Soil01 08, 2019
- Carbon and Nitrogen Availability in Paddy Soil Affects Rice Photosynthate Allocation, Microbial Community Composition and Priming Effect01 08, 2019
- How can P Fertilization Control the Temporal Variation of Enzymes in Rice Rhizosphere Expansion?01 07, 2019
- Water and Nutrient Management Influences the Allocation and Stabilisation of Assimilated Carbon01 07, 2019
- The Replacement of the Maize-soybean Rotation System by Forage Grass Cultivation Improves Soil Fertility01 02, 2019
- Large Variation in N2 Fixation Occurs among Shrublands01 02, 2019
- Forage Grass Cultivation Increases Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Pools in Southwest China01 02, 2019
- Utilization of Wild Rice Germplasm Promotes Rice Breeding with High Yield and Stress Tolerance12 20, 2018
- Transcript Pattern of Amino Acids Transporting Relating Molecules in Goats12 14, 2018
- Whether ɑ-ketoglutarate Administration could Prevent Piglets Oxidative Stress by Regulating CAR and Nrf2 Signaling?12 14, 2018
- How Soil Nitrogen Stock Changes After Vegetation Restoration in Typical Karst Catchment?11 26, 2018
- What Controls Soil Arylsulfatase Activity at a Regional Scale?11 26, 2018
- Stocking Density Affects Deposition and Transport of Trace Mineral Elements in Fattening Pigs11 16, 2018
- Dynamic Calcium Feeding Affects Zinc Concentration, Gene Expression of Circadian Clock and Calcium Transporters in Laying Hens11 16, 2018