Rely on Science and Technology to Solve Zoonoses, Said Academician XIA Xianzhu
At the invitation of Professor YIN Yulong, Academician XIA Xianzhu came to Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences(ISA) and delivered a lecture entitled “Future Trends and Further Concern on Zoonotic Disease” on October 14, 2012.
In the report, Academician XIA showed the importance of zoonoses research and the reasons why zoonoses is widely spread. “We have to rely on science and technology, as well as to strengthen research to solve the problem of zoonoses.”said XIA. Meanwhile, he suggested some measures that the nation should take and also encouraged young researchers and students to make full use of their knowledge in practice. After the report, Academician XIA addressed students’ questions and concerns in details; Professor YIN Yulong also discussed application of Chinese herbal extracts and antibiotics in the industry with him.
XIA Xianzhu, a well-known animal virology expert, currently works as a professor in Military Veterinary Institute, Academy of Military Medical Sciences. He has been engaged in teaching and research work on animal infectious diseases for over 30 years, and has made outstanding achievements in the prevention and control of animal diseases.
Academician XIA Xianzhu is delivering a lecture |
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