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The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture for Subtropical Regions (ISSASR-4)(Third Announcement)


The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #2 seeks to deliver Zero Hunger by 2030. However, since 2015, hunger and global food insecurity have actually increased at an alarming rate (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/hunger/). Globally, subtropical regions support over 30% of the world’s population, primarily in developing countries where farm land and food supply per capita comprise only 40% of those in developed countries. Meeting the SDG Goal of achieving zero hunger in the face of on-going population growth in subtropical regions will require a significant increase in agricultural production whilst minimizing soil degradation and the adverse ecological impacts of farming. Such challenges are shared by many countries across tropical and subtropical regions in South Asia, Africa and Central and South America.  

Rice cultivation, dietary husbandry, and freshwater aquaculture are the primary agricultural production patterns worldwide in subtropical and tropical regions. China has a clearly demonstrated track record in promoting and ensuring agricultural productivity, but this has often resulted in negative ecological and environmental impacts, including soil degradation and environmental pollution. China’s response was to initiate in 2000, its “green and high-quality strategy for agricultural development”. Implementation of this strategy has resulted in major research and innovation programs focused on ‘Green Agriculture’ designed to promote and advance agricultural productivity and farm incomes in ways that protect and restore agricultural and natural ecosystems in subtropical regions.

The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture for Subtropical Regions (ISSASR-4) is being held to encourage scientific exchange on the over-arching theme of ‘Ecosystem Management and Agriculture Green Development in Subtropical Regions’. The scientific program will cover strategically important areas including (i) regional resources and ecosystems management for enhancing agricultural productivity, (ii) green crop and animal production and (iii) minimizing the adverse environmental impacts of agricultural production such as pollution and GHG emissions. The developing role of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Farming in agriculture has been identified as a specific topic for the symposium.      

The ISSASR-4 agenda and list of speakers will focus on the unique attributes of subtropical agriculture. The symposium will also bring together key researchers worldwide to share their knowledge and expertise on how the lessons learned in temperate regions could sustain agricultural development in the tropics.

1. The Academic Committee

Guirui Yu, Academician, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, China (Chair)

Jiankang Zhu, Academician, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Qi Feng, Academician, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Science, China

Yulong Yin, Academician, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Science, China

Anthony G. O’Donnell, Fellow Royal Society, Murdoch University, Australia

András Táncsics, Professor, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary

Andrew Macrae, Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Anil Kumar Anal, Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Apollinaire Djikeng, Professor, CGIAR, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Arash Malekian, Professor, University of Tehran, Iran

Chuan He, Professor, The University of Chicago, USA

Heriberto Vargas Rodríguez, Professor, Agrarian University of Havana, Cuba

Jianguang Qin, Professor, Flindas University, Australia

Jinshui Wu, Professor, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Science, China

Joann K. Whalen, Professor, McGill University, Canada

Lifeng Li, Director, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations

ukasz Chrzanowski, Professor, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Martin Nyachoti, Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada

Shihuan Kuang, Professor, Purdue University, USA

Susanne Schwinning, Professor, Texas State University, USA

Sung Woo Kim, Professor, North Carolina State University, USA

Zhihong Xu, Professor, Griffith University, Australia

Weiguo Cheng, Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Japan

2. Organization
Lead Organization
Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Partner Organizations
Chinese FLUX Observation and Research Network
National Engineering Laboratory for Pollution Control and Waste Utilization in Livestock and Poultry Production
Sino-Africa Joint Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ISA-CAS and UWA Joint Laboratory for Soil Systems Biology
International Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation center for Ruminant GHG mitigation in Hunan Province
Ecological Society of Hunan Province
Agricultural Society of Hunan Province
Ecohydrology Professional Committee, Ecological Society of ChinaOrganizing Committee
Supporting Organizations
Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province
Changsha Association for Science and Technology
LICA United Technology Limited
Hunan Xinyuan Environmental Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Hunan Xiangfeng Tea Group Co., Ltd.
Professor Jinshui Wu, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Professor Anthony G. O’Donnell, Murdoch University
Executive Chair
Professor Zhiliang Tan, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Professor Hongsong Chen, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Changsha Sanjing Whiersly Hotel

3. Agenda

Day 1, Friday, 21st June, 2024





Arrival and On-site Registration

Sanjing Whiersly Hotel, 1stfloor


Buffet lunch

Oval Dining Room, 1stfloor


Buffet dinner

Oval Dining Room, 1stfloor

Day 2, Saturday, 22nd June, 2024





Opening Ceremony, Plenary Session

International Conference Center (3rdfloor)


Buffet lunch

Dining Room HUI (3rdfloor) &

Dining Room Huaxi (6thfloor)


Scientific Sessions (S1.2, S1.3, S2.2, S3.1)

Meeting Room A, Meeting Room B, Huajin Hall, Huating Hall(5thfloor)


Banquet dinner

International Conference Center (3rdfloor)

Day 3, Sunday, 23rd June, 2024





Scientific Sessions (S1.1, S2.1, S2.3, S3.2)

Meeting Room A, Meeting Room B, Huajin Hall, Huating Hall (5thfloor)


Buffet lunch

Dining Room HUI (3rdfloor) &

Dining Room Huaxi (6thfloor)


Scientific Sessions (S1.4, S3.3, S3.4, S4.1)

Meeting Room A, Huajin Hall, Huating Hall (5thfloor)


Buffet dinner

Dining Room HUI (3rdfloor) &

 Room Huaxi (6thfloor)

Day 4, Monday, 24th June, 2024





Field trip

Changsha Research Station for Agricultural & Environmental Monitoring, Jinjing Town, Changsha County




Workshop, free activities


Dinner & Back to hotel

The view of Changsha Research Station for Agricultural & Environmental Monitoring

4. Daily program

Saturday, 22ndJune, 2024

Opening Ceremony (International Conference Center, 3rdfloor), 09:00-10:00

Welcome Address

Photo Session & Coffee Break

Plenary Session (International Conference Center, 3rdfloor), 10:00-12:00




Agricultural Innovation and Food Security in the Asia Pacific

Anthony G. O’Donnell

Murdoch University, Australia

Dietary impacts on mucosal microbiota influencing mucosal immunity and growth of young pigsof the presentation

Sung Woo Kim

North Carolina State University, USA

Smart Agriculture for Sustainable Development

Chunjiang Zhao

National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, China

To be confirmed

Bojie Fu

Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

To be confirmed

Hongsong Chen

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Buffet lunch

Saturday, 22ndJune, 2024

 S1.2 Ecological Processes in the Earth’s Critical Zone (ECZ)

 (Meeting Room A, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Soil-rock complexes as a water source for plants: challenges and significance for modeling vegetation dynamics

Susanne Schwinning

Texas State University, USA

Keynote:Explicitly-Integrated Functions between Critical Zone Structures and Runoff Responses for Real-World Applications

Jintao Liu

Hohai University, China

To be confirmed

Tao Peng

Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Zagros Mountains: The Lifeline of Iran's Water and Ecology

Hamid M. Behzad

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Soil and water process in the Earth’s Critical Zone in Taihang Mountain region, North China

Tonggang Fu

Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of CAS, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Exploring the role of bedrock representation on plant transpiration response during dry periods at four forested sites in Europe

César D. Jiménez-Rodríguez

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg

Keynote:Carbon cycle of hydrological system in karst critical zone

Junbin Pu

Chongqing Normal University, China

Dissolved organic carbon migration and its microbial mechanism driven by multi-interface hydrological processes in karst slopes

Chun Liu

Jinan University, China

Spatial heterogeneity of soil Moisture and its stable isotopes on a small scale of Karst hillslope

Jing Yang

Guizhou University, China

Divergent plant water-use patterns across China's typical forests under climate change

Yali Ding

Beijing Forestry University, China

Response of plant water sources to changes in moisture in the karst critical zone

Zidong Luo

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

 S1.3 Exploitation in Hybrid Ecological Agriculture in Wetland Areas

 (Meeting Room B, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Ecological Functions of Wetlands and Their Service in Fisheries and Aquaculture

Jianguang Qin

Flinders University, Australia

Microalgae Integration to Aquaponics


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Antalya, Türkiye

Advantage of Wetlands Farming: Case Study of Ibiade a Waterside Area of Ogun State In Nigeria

Olayiwola Ismail Adebayo

Ogun state ministry of agriculture, Nigeria

Sustainable aquaculture and innovation engineering sustainable development for fisheries and the management

Shengming Sun

Shanghai Ocean University, China

Effects of parents size on reproductive performance and F1 seedlings quality of Procambarus clarkii

Wei Li

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Unlocking Sustainable Value Chains: Algae-Based Technologies for Ecological Agriculture

Yan Li

Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance, Australia

The temporal and spatial pattern of methane fluxes from aquaculture ponds in the Pearl River Delta

Mei Wang

South China Normal University, China

Investigation of Patescibacteria abundanceand diversity in a hydrocarbon contaminated aquifer

Baka Erzsebet

Hungarian University of Agricultureand Life Sciences, Hungary

Interactions between microorganisms and oxic-anoxic transitions in freshwater ecosystems

Muhe Diao

Tongji University, China

Soil and water management practices in agriculture in Nepal

Bikram Manandhar

Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry, Hetauda, Nepal

Ecological Remediation Techniques and Models for Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in the Dongting Lake Basin

Xuyu Jiang

Hunan Xinyuan Environmental Technology Group Co., Ltd, China

 S2.3 Elements cycling in agricultural ecosystems and pollution control

 (Huajin Hall, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Challenges and prospects for next-generation enhanced efficiency fertilizers for sustainable food production and environment

Deli Chen

The University of Melbourne, Australia

Keynote:Managing nitrogen for sustainability with global change

Baojing Gu

Zhejiang University, China

Response of bacterial and micro-eukaryotic communities to spatio-temporal fluctuations of wastewater in full scale constructed wetlands

Xi Li

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

The effect of crop residues returned to the field on the soil ecological stoichiometric balance

Ji Liu

Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Global cropland nitrous oxide emissions in fallow period are

comparable to growing-season emissions

Ziying Shang

Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:CNMM-DNDC: a catchment-scale hydro-biogeochemical simulation model for managing water quality and greenhouse gas emissions

Yong Li

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Microplastic contamination in agricultural soil: A high throughput and cost-effective method for microplastic quantification and identification

Tingting Gu

University of Oklahoma, USA

The impact of atmospheric N deposition and N fertilizer type on soil nitric oxide and nitrous oxide fluxes from agricultural

and forest Eutric Regosols

Ling Song

Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Study on foliar uptake and translocation of cadmium from atmospheric deposition and its contribution to cadmium accumulation in rice grain

Ying Huang

Hunan Agricultural University, China

Key process for reducing grains Cd and As by applying sulfate varies with irrigation mode

Quan Zhang

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

 S3.1 Physiological metabolism and health of livestock and poultry

 (Huating Hall, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Single cell analysis of porcine muscle growth

Shihuan Kuang

Duke University, USA

Keynote:Nutrition for Laying Hens beyond Production Performance

Guanghai Qi

Institute of Feed Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Advances research of protein precise nutrition in piglets

Li Wang

Institute of Animal Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Research progress on the precise nutrition and efficient utilization of dietary mineral elements in broilers

Xiudong Liao

Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Piglet diarrhea: mechanisms and regulation

Xihong Zhou

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Gut hormones and lipid metabolism of poultry

Hai Lin

Shandong Agricultural University, China

Keynote:Exploration of the pig as a biomedical model for human diseases

Jiangwei Wu

Northwest A&F University, China

Influence of starch chemical structure on porcine energy metabolism 

Jun He

Sichuan Agricultural University, China

Administration of Lactobacillus plantarum LP15-1 modulates intestinal innate immunity through regulating M cell differentiation in LPS

Weiwei Wang

Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, China

Pork quality formation and regulation 

Fengna Li

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S1.1 Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus (WEFEN)

 (Meeting Room A, 5thfloor), 08:30-12:00




Keynote:Scenario analysis for sustainable water resources management under future anthropogenic and climate change impacts

Arash Malekian

University of Tehran, Iran

Keynote:Sustainable water management and food security under climate change

Yue Qin

Peking University, China

Study on the adaptability of ' water-energy-food ' system and urban green transformation in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Economic Zone

Pei Tian

Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis & Simulation Hubei Province, China

Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Under Irrigation Expansion and Climate Change Scenario in Awash River Basin

Mohammed Gedefaw

University of Gondar, Ethiopia

Spatial-temporal characteristics of water use efficiency of major crops in Hebei province

Peipei Pan

School of Geography Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, China

Escalating Hot-Dry Extremes in Southwest China Karst

Shilei Peng

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Global energy use and carbon emissions from irrigated agriculture

Weili Duan

Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, China

Keynote:Taming Floods, Replenishing Aquifers: The Power of Flood-MAR

Xiaogang He

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Agricultural Water Accounting as an Efficient Tool for Sustainable Water Governance

Mehrnoosh Ghadimi

University of Helsinki, Finland

Agricultural drought in the Poyang Lake Basin

Meixiu Yu

College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, China

Soil moisture–climate interactions mediate transpiration-induced cooling variability across biomes

Muhammad Hayat

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S2.1 Regional Soil and Crop Resource for Green Agricultural Production

 (Huajin Hall, 5thfloor), 08:30-12:00




Keynote:Organic Rice Farming in Japan: Techniques and Effects for Environmental Regulation and Green Production

Weiguo Cheng

Yamagata University, Japan

Keynote:Soil Acidification in Anthropocene

Yakov Kuzyakov

University of Gottingen, Germany

Keynote:Single-cell identification and global distribution of drought-tolerant microorganisms in rhizosphere

Qinglin Chen

Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Identification of Novel Candidate Genes for Root Traits: Targeting Salinity and Low Phosphate Tolerance in Zea mays L.

Sikander Pal

University of Jammu, India

Soil Improvement Effect of Exogenous Organic Materials on Red Layer Desert Land: A Case Study of Chinese Flowering Cabbage Planting

Zhijian Wu

School of Geography and Remote Sensing, Guangzhou University, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Crop rotation and cover cropping change soil diversity and function; seen through a metagenomic lens of a Brazilian agricultural soil

Andrew Macrae

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Keynote:Mechanisms of soil fertility improvement in rice-rapeseed rotation system

Zhenghua Zhang

Hunan Agricultural University, China

Effects of conservation tillage on soil organic carbon storage, fractions and stability in Black soil

Aizhen Liang

Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Cellulose nanofibrils prepared from bast fibers and its agricultural applications

Wang Yu

Institute of Bast Fiber Crops, China

Microbial metabolic capacity regulates the accrual of mineral-associated organic carbon in subtropical paddy soils

Xiaobin Guo

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S2.2 Soil microbiome and environmental health

 (Meeting Room B, 5thfloor), 08:30-12:00




Keynote:Multi-omics approaches in contaminant microbiology: uncovering the uncultivated majority

András Táncsics

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary

Keynote:Global Change Effects on carbon and nitrogen interactions

Edith Bai

Northeast Normal University, China

 Methanotrophs in rice agriculture: diversity, ecology, and abiotic factors driving the emergence of microbial methane mitigation

Simon Guerrero Cruz

Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Influence of intensive potato cultivation (Solanum tuberosum L.) on the properties of Oxisol soils in Cuba

Heriberto Vargas Rodríguez

Agrarian University of Havana, Cuba

Mechanism and potential application of endophytes in defending against Fusarium oxysporum infection in continuous Lily cropping

Hongling Qin

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Small water configurations determine microbial interactions and functionality

Gang Wang

China Agricultural University, China

Keynote:A vast repertoire of secondary metabolites potentially influences community dynamics and biogeochemical processes in cold seeps

Xiyang Dong

Third Institute of Oceanography, China

Rhizosphere Microbial Communities in Dry Hungarian Grasslands: Screening for Plant Growth Promotion abilities for agricultural purposes

Milán Farkas

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary

Burrowing-mammal-induced enhanced soil multifunctionality is associated with higher microbial network complexity in alpine meadows

Wancai Wang

Northwest A&F University, China

Effects of combinations of organic fertilizers from various sources, mulch and microbial inoculants on soil quality and crop yield in degraded soil in redbeds area in southern China

Man Yang

School of Geographical Sciences and Remote sensing, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S3.2 Precision nutrition and intelligent husbandry

 (Huating Hall, 5thfloor), 08:30-12:00




Keynote:Feed ingredient evaluation as a critical piece to achieving precision nutrition in swine production

C. M. Nyachoti

University of Manitoba, Canada

Keynote:Establish food and feed co-production, planting and breeding integration, food saving and low-carbon agricultural production system of new quality productivity

Hongfu Zhang

Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Keynote:Evaluation and application of nutritional value of pig feedstuff based on digestion-fermentation kinetics

Junjun Wang

College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China

A case of precision feeding in growing-finishing pigs

Xianghua Yan

Huazhong Agricultural University, China

Predicting the heat production of growing pigs based on heart rate monitoring using machine learning

Shuai Zhang

College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:The swine gut microbiome and precision feeding

Jiangchao Zhao

University of Arkansas, USA

Keynote:Intelligent feeding management escorts national food security

Benhai Xiong

Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Effects of oral administration with Lactobacillus plantarum CAM6 on growth performance, hematological profile, organ index, cecal traits, and meat quality in growing pigs

Yordan Martinez

Department of Monogastric Animals, Institute of Animal Science, Cuba

Deciphering the nutritional strategies for polysaccharides effects on intestinal health in broilers

Xiaojun Yang

Northwest A&F University, China

Research on Feed Enzyme That Precisely Target Gut Probiotics

Huoqing Huang

Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Maternal-offspring supplementation with methyl donor feed additives enhances offspring piglets' health

Md Abul Kalam Azad

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S1.4 Degraded Agroecosystem Restoration and Carbon Neutrality

 (Meeting Room A, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Climate smart and biochar-based innovative technologies for high value crop futures in subtropical Australia

Zhihong Xu

Griffith University, Australia

Keynote:Spatiotemporal Patterns of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes Estimated by Eddy Covariance Measurements in China

Zhi Chen

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, China

An important factor that may underestimate forest carbon storage

Xiaolu Zhou

Hunan Normal University, China

Substantial losses of particulate organic carbon in high-latitude regions under global climate change

Ji Chen

Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

The exploration of karst geological microbial carbon pump to global carbon neutrality

Qiang Li

Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China

Plant diversity drives positive microbial associations in the rhizosphere enhancing carbon use efficiency in agricultural soils

Luiz Alberto Domeignoz Horta

Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Coffee Break

Keynote:Compost for restoration of ecosystem functions of soil

Deborah Neher

The University of Vermont, USA

Keynote:To be confirmed

Jianwei Li

Tennessee State University, USA

Community assembly and functional regulation of soil microorganisms and animals in healthy soil

Yuji Jiang

Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China

Cover crop rotation suppresses root-knot nematode infection by structuring soil microbiota

Lingfei Hu

Zhejiang University, China

Regulatory mechanism of constitutive and induced herbivore resistance in tea plants

Meng Ye

Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Forestation drives carbon fluxes across soil nematode food webs along climatic gradients in southwest China

Xionghui Liao

Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S3.3 Farming Waste Resource Utilization and Agropastoral Models

 (Meeting Room B, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Lignite mitigates nitrogen and mass loss from broiler litter: A critical first step for farm waste resource utilisation

Clayton R. Butterly

The University of Melbourne, Australia

Study on cassava foliage silage levels on digestibility and growth performance in Lao native cattle

Viengsakoun Napasirth

National University of Laos, Laos

Utilizing Dewatered Lignite in Farming Waste Resource Management: A Novel Strategy for Ammonia Mitigation and Heavy Metal Reduction in Pig Manure

Jing Hu

The University of Melbourne, Australia

Interaction Effects between the Main Components of Protein-Rich Biomass during Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis

Zheng Shen

Tongji University, China

Life cycle assessment of biochar for sustainable agricultural application

Hongbo Liu

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Factors influencing the carbon footprint of milk production on dairy farms with different feeding strategies in western Europe

James Humphreys

Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Ireland

Overlooked potential risks of MPs derived from organic fertilizer

Quan Wang

Northwest A&F University, China

Regulation of Organic Waste Compost Maturity Based on Exogenous Additives: The Impact of Biochar and Minerals

Yuquan Wei

China Agricultural University, China

Converting crop straw to value-added organic fertilizer: effect of inoculum, nutrients and additives

Zhaoyong Sun

Sichuan University, China

Valorization of Caragana Waste as Mycelium-Based Feed: Two-Stage Bioaugmentation for Optimizing Nutrition Composition, Palatability, and Microbial Contaminant Control

Guilin Du

Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S3.4 Precise Farming and GHGs mitigation in Ruminants

 (Huajin Hall, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Methane emissions from ruminants – Unraveling challenges and innovative mitigation strategie

Zhongtang Yu

The Ohio State University, USA

Keynote:Advancements in Feed and Forage Practices for Smallholder Farming Systems in Africa

Ben Lukuyu

Internationa Livestock Research Institute, Uganda

Microbiological Mechanism of Gastrointestinal Health and Efficient Carbohydrate Utilization in Dairy Cows and Goats

Junhu Yao

Northwest A&F University

Gender issues in scaling and commercialization of climate-smart forages in smallholder farms in Kenya and Uganda

Margaret Lukuyu

CGIAR, Uganda

Next generation supplements to improve ruminant productivity in dry pasture systems

Martinez-Fernandez Gonzalo

CSIRO, Agriculture and Food

Precision feeding management: An approach to minimize methane mitigation for smallholder dairy farms in the Tropics

Suntorn Wittayakun

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

Coffee Break

Keynote:Current research on enteric methane mitigation

Emilio Mauricio

Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias INIA Carillanca

Keynote:Nutrigenomics- A Precise Approach of Feed Formulation for Sustainable Animal-based Food Production

Anil Kumar Anal

Asian Institute of Technology

Two ways to improve the feed efficiency of crop residues in ruminants

Yanfen Cheng

Nanjing Agricultural University

Strategies to Valorize High Forage Diet in Livestock Production

Mostafa S.A. Khattab

Rumenology Research Group Dairy Department,National Research Centre

To be confirmed

Khan Nazir Ahmad

The University of Agriculture Peshawar

Sunday, 23rdJune, 2024

 S4.1 Intelligent Computing for Agricultural Remote Sensing

 (Huating Hall, 5thfloor), 14:00-17:30




Keynote:Towards AI empowered Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture

Po Yang

University of Sheffield, UK

Inversion of Soil Water Content Based on UAV Multispectral Remote Sensing and Feature Variable Screening

Mingliang Jiang

Institute of Farmland Irrigation of CAAS, China

Remote sensing intelligent interpretation of land-parcel-based cultivated land information

Tianjun Wu

School of Land Engineering, Chang’an University, China

An automated sample generation method by integrating phenology domain optical-SAR features in rice cropping pattern mapping

Qiong Hu

Central China Normal University, China

Coffee Break

Keynote:Remote Sensing and Big Data for crop monitoring and area estimation for Smart Agriculture Development

Mst. Farida Perveen

Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh

Extraction of Sugarcane Plantation Distribution in Western Guangdong By Combining Remote Sensing and Statistic Data and Its Spatiotemporal Analysis

Yingpin Yang

Guangzhou University, China

Contrastive-learning-based time-series feature representation for parcel-based crop mapping using incomplete Sentinel-2 image sequences

Yana Zhou

College of Geography and Remote Sensing, Hohai University, China

Research on the Identification Model of Agricultural Basic Application Linkage Relationship-- From the Perspective of Pasteur's Quadrant

Miaoling Chai

National Science Library (Chengdu), China

5. Registration and fees

Early bird registration:Before April 30, 2024

Student: RMB 1500 Yuan / person (domestic) $200 / person (abroad)

General: RMB 1800 yuan / person (domestic) $270 / person (abroad)

Normal registration: May 1-June 21, 2024

Student: RMB 1800 Yuan / person (domestic) $270 / person (abroad)

General: RMB 2000 yuan / person (domestic) $300 / person (abroad)

Note: The registration fee should be paid as follows:

Account Information

Beneficiary’s Name

Institute Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Beneficiary’s Bank Address

No. 391 Yuanda 1st Road, Furong District, Changsha City

Account No.

1901 0073 0920 0011 221

Beneficiary’s Bank Name

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Changsha Mawangdui Branch

Important Notes: The conference waives the registration fee for invited plenary and keynote speakers. For all other participants, including oral speakers and poster presenters, the payment of the official conference registration fee is mandatory. This fee covers meals during the conference, conference materials, field trip expenses, and other related costs.

6. Contact us

Please contact the Secretariat for the registration system, payment, transportation and accommodation, ticketing, cooperation, sponsorship and other matters.

Conference secretariat: Zhengmiao Deng

Tel: + 86 731 84615206 (office)

     + 86 15874192864(mobile)

E-mail: issasr4@isa.ac.cn

For updates and detailed information, please visit the conference website at https://issasr.casconf.cn/. Or scan the QR code below using the WeChat app on your cellphone.

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