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Hydrogen in Headspace and Bicarbonate in Media Has Effects on Methane Production and Rumen Fermentation

There are more and more climate disasters which happen every year due to the greenhouse effect, so the governments and researchers all over the world are doing many efforts on the main origin gases, such as CO2 and CH4 and so on. The warming potential of CH4 is about 20-30 times of CO2, which has been concerned by many researchers, especially by the agricultural scientists. Ruminants approximately produce 95 million tons of CH4 annually, which accounts for a quarter of all anthropogenic CH4 emissions. It's very important to reduce CH4 emissions origin from ruminants.

Many methods have been reported to study the mechanism of the CH4 emissions produced by ruminants. Feeds in the rumen can be hydrolyzed by protozoa and bacteria to monomers, then fermented to end products such as volatile fatty acid(VFA), carbon dioxide(CO2) and hydrogen(H2), the CO2 and H2 which can be used to synthetize CH4 by ruminal methanogens. Because CO2 utilized for CH4 production may be derived from bicarbonate in media and/or from the fermented substrates, PhD Qiao Junyi in Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISA)used NaH13CO3 and H2 as materials to investigate the 13CH4 production efficiency(PE) produced by the reduction of NaH13CO3, and they used lucerne hays as substrates to evaluate the effects of NaH13CO3and H2 additions on ruminal fermentation, CH4 production and methanogen populations used in the vitro gas production techniques.

Qiao found the 13CH4 production was quadratically increasing with the NaH13CO3 added, while the 13CH4 PE was quadratically decreasing with the increased addition of NaH13CO3; The H2 addition could increase the 13CH4 production linearly and the 13CH4 PE quadratically. There was interaction of  NaH13CO3*H2 on 13CH4 production and 13CH4 PE.

The total CH4 production and apparent dry matter degradability(ADMD) of Lucerne hays were quadratically increasing with the greatest values when 36 ml of H2 was added, but there was no NaHCO3 addition effect on ADMD. The interactions of NaH13CO3 *H2 were observed by most tests on NH3-N and total VFA. The pH values, total VFA and molar proportions of acetate and propionate were quadratically changing with the H2 addition.

As the CH4 was produced by the methanogens in the rumen, the team also investigated the methanogenic population, who found there were significant interaction of NaH13CO3*H2 on populations of M. barkeri, M. stadtmanae, M.ruminantium and M. smithii. And there were no differences on the copy numbers of 16S rRNA genes for the populations of M. stadtamanae, M. ruminantium and M. smithii in response to the incubation time except M. barkeri. It was increasing by incubation time with the highest values being at 24 h. 

This study indicates that both CO2 and H2 concentrations can influence the methanogenesis in the rumen, and a small part of the CO2 utilized for methanogenesis is from bicarbonate(such as NaHCO3) in media. The headspace hydrogen and media bicarbonate had significant effects on CH4 production and rumen fermentation. 

This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31320103917), "Strategic Priority Research Program - Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Relevant Issues"(Grant No. XDA05020700) and "International Atomic Energy Agency"(Grant No.16315) 

The research has been published in the October of Animal Feed Science and Technology, details could be found at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377840115001492 

TAN Zhiliang


Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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