INRA Researchers Visits ISA
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Professor François Blachier, fellow of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and world's leading scientific expert on amino acid nutrition physiology made a trip this past week from July 18 to 21, in the company of research fellow YIN Yulong and graduate students of in laboratory of animal nutrition and health and key laboratory of agro-ecology, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISA).
Prof. visited ISA laboratories and talked with faculty members, as well as Ph.D. students and postgraduate. He gave suggestions and comments on ISA research projects. On July 19, he gave a lecture entitled “Protein intake and amino acid supplementation: consequences for the intestinal physiology”, hosted by Prof. KONG Xiangfeng, a researcher of ISA. Mireille Andriamihaja, his PH.D student shared a presentation of“Production of sulfide by the microbiota in the large intestine: Is it involved in colitis in humans and animals?”, which attracted all listeners.
For further and better communication, Doctor TANG Yulong, FENG Zemeng and postgraduate HE Liuqing also prepared the corresponding reports of their research field.
Researchers of both sides had a heated discussion and in-depth exchange around the transportation, metabolism and nutritional regulation function of L-glutamate in gastrointestinal tract of pig. They also reach a consensus on project cooperation, researchers’ visits, papers publication, etc.
INRA is a French public research institute dedicated to scientific studies surrounding the problems of agriculture. It was founded in 1946, and is a public scientific and technological establishment (EPST) under the joint authority of the Ministries of Research and Agriculture. Dr. François Blachier is a leading scientist in the field of animal science. He focuses his research on amino acid nutrition physiology. Since 2006, he has been the research director of INRA. He has published 92 original scientific articles, 10 review articles and 72 communications to congress. The Hirsch factor of his article is 24 (24 articles cited at least 24times) and the total number of citation is over 1500. These publications are mostly related to nutrition and to metabolism and physiological effects of amino acids (and related metabolites) in endocrine pancreas, in parotid glands and small and large intestine. He also won French Ligue against Cancer for his scientific work.
Supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Project Grant, ISA researcher KONG Xiangfeng made an exchange visit from August 2012 to February 2013 in INRA; Another ISA researcher WU Xin, is now in the laboratory for a year-long visit funded by the China Scholarship Council. The two sides have established a stable partnership, which is good for further international cooperation.