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Research Programs

The study on   degradation  mechanism of ecosystem and adaptive restoration demonstration in Southwest Karst region of  China.  (Important project of Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS),   Kelin Wang, 2007.01-2010.12

The  supporting   technology   research   and  demonstration   on environment-friendly  distinctive agriculture in the suburb. (National programme for tackling key problems), Jinshui Wu, 2008.01-2011.03

Mechanisms   of  distribution and  regulation of main nutrients in pig organs (The key fundamental research and development programme of China), Yulong Yin, 2004.10-2009.12

Modern healthy husbandry of livestock and poultry (Important project of knowledge Innovation Project of CAS) Zhiliang Tan, 2006.09-2010.12

The gene clone, analysis   and   transgenic   research of stress tolerance in super rice. (Orientation project of Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS) Xinjie Xia, 2007.09-2009.09

The selection of varieties adaptable   combination in super hybrid early rice. (National programme for tackling key problems), Guoying, Xiao, 2007.01-2010.12

The   research   and   demonstration   on soil   conservation technology of slope farmland in Southwest Karst region of China. (National programme for tackling key problems), Yirong Su, 2007.01-2010.12

The   microbial  molecular   mechanism  of   key   process   on  nitrogen transformation in paddy field system., Wenxue Wei  2007.10-2010.10

The research on  physiological   ecology   mechanism, moisture and nutrient management of rice production. (The key fundamental research and development programme of China), Xiaoli Xie, 2005.09-2010.06

Evaluation   the   effect   of  operating   Sanxia   Project   on   structure   and function of Dongting Lake wetland. (Important project of Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS), Yonghong Xie, 2007.10-2010.09