- On the Way to Make Farmers’ Dream Come True-ISA Researchers Find Myostatin Regulates Preadipocyte Differentiation and Lipid Metabolism of Adipocyte via ERK1/201 16, 2012
- Implementation of Rocky Desertification Control Improves Ecosystem Service Values12 27, 2011
- Folic Acid Improves the Performance of Suckling Piglets and Sows During Lactation12 23, 2011
- High ammonia emissions from agricultural sources exacerbate air quality in the North China Plain12 14, 2011
- Could Ku Ding Tea ease the discomfort of drinking milk?11 24, 2011
- L-arginine or NCG Regulates the Vascular Function of Pigs11 08, 2011
- Karst Areas of Northwestern Guangxi Face Spatio-temporal Evolution of Rocky Desertification10 17, 2011
- ISA Researchers Find Intrauterine Growth Restriction Alters the Metabonome of Serum and Jejunum in Piglets09 23, 2011
- A Novel Rice Calmodulin-like Gene—OsMSR2 identified by ISA Researchers09 09, 2011
- New Progresses on Remotely Sensed Monitoring Karst Rocky Desertification by Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS02 21, 2011
- The research of ‘plant growth regulator application in high fertilizer inputs vegetable’ are made progress02 18, 2011
- Determination and Manipulation of Endogenous Nitrogen in Ruminants02 17, 2011
- Advances in functional amino acid-Arginine and its substitutes11 30, 2010
- Soil microbial activity measured by microcalorimetry technology: an evolutionary perspective08 27, 2010
- Soluble organic nitrogen (SON) pools in greenhouse and open field horticultural soils under organic and conventional management07 29, 2010
- Research advances of additive in improving crop by-products utilization in ruminants Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, the Chinese Academy of Sciences06 25, 2010
- Nutrition value estimation of maize stover06 13, 2010
- Roles of phytochemicals in amino acid nutrition of pigs05 16, 2010
- Research Advances in Functional Amino Acid Nutrition of Pigs05 16, 2010
- The supporting technologies and demonstration of suburb environment-friendly characteristic agriculture has made important progress02 03, 2010