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Wenxue WeiPh.D, Professor





Wenxue Wei obtained his BSc and MSc in soil science and plant nutrition at Huazhong Agricultural University in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and PhD in plant physiology and molecular biology at Wolverhampton University (UK) in 2001. He spent 12 years in Huazhong Agricultural University working on soil and plant microelements as a lecturer and associate professor; one year in Newcastle University (UK) worked with professor Anthony O’Donnel in plant molecular biology as an academic visitor; three years in Paisley University (UK) worked with Dr Wieland Fricke in plant physiology and molecular biology; three years in Durham University (UK) worked with professor Toni Slabas in plant molecular biology. He also visited the Rothamsted Research Station (UK), Lincoln University (New Zealand), Bayreuth University (Germany) as a visiting researcher.

He has a strong interest in soil molecular ecology in relation to nutrient cycling. His group established soil molecular ecology in the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS as a state of the art facility. His main interests are in solving microbial mechanisms of nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus cycling and transformation in soil; microbial process of greenhouse gas emission from agricultural field; function of microorganisms in rhizosphere..

In 1998, his achievement in the molybdenum fertilizer application technique for winter wheat in yellow-brown soils was awarded the second prize for the progress in science and technology by the government of Hubei Province.

Commitment to research the situation
Project of National Natural Science Foundation
Hundred talent scientists programme of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Orientation project of Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS
National programme for tackling key problems
Community service

Zhe Chen, Xiqian Luo, Ronggui Hu, Minna Wu, Jinshui Wu, Wenxue Wei* (2010). Impact of long-term fertilization on the composition of denitrifier communities based on nitrite reductase analyses in a paddy soil. Microbial Ecology, 60, 850-861

Minna Wu, Hongling Qin, Zhe Chen, Jinshui Wu, Wenxue Wei* (2011). Effect of long-term fertilization on bacterial composition in rice paddy soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils (In press)

Zhe Chen, Haijun Hou, Yan Zheng, Honglin Qin, Yijun Zhu, Jinshui Wu, Wenxue Wei* (2011). Long-term fertilization effects on the abundance and community composition of nosZ-containing denitrifying bacteria in paddy soil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (In press)

Hongling Qing, Zhi Quan, Xinliang Liu, Yong Zong, Jinshui Wu, Mingde Li,Wenxue Wei* (2010). Phosphorus Status and Risk of Phosphate Leaching Loss From Vegetable Soils of Different Planting Years in Suburbs of Changsha, China. Agricultural Sciences in China 9(11):1641-1649

Hanhua Zhu,Jinshui Wu*,Daoyou Huang,Qihong Zhu,Shoulong Liu,Yirong Su,Wenxue WEI,J. Keith Syers,Yong Li. (2010). Improving fertility and productivity of a highly-weathered upland soil in subtropical China by incorporating rice straw. Plant and Soil 331(1):427-437

Wenxue Wei, E. Alexandersson, D. Golldack, T. Miller, P. O. Kjellbom and W. Fricke. 2007. HvPIP1;6, a Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Plasma Membrane Water Channel particularly Expressed in Growing compared to Non-growing Leaf Tissues. Plant and Cell Physiology. 48(8): 1132–1147.

Wenxue Wei, J. T. M. Kroon, W. J. Simon and A. R. Slabas (2006). Identification and functional expression of a type 2 acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT2) in developing castor bean seeds which has high homology to the major triglyceride biosynthetic enzyme of fungi and animals. Phytochemistry 67(23): 2541-2549.

W. Fricke, G. Akhiyarova, Wenxue Wei, E. Alexanderson, A. Miller, P.O. Kjellbom, A. Richardson, T. Wojciechowski, L. Schreiber, D. Veselov, G. Kudoyarova and V. Volkov (2006). The short-term growth response to salt of the developing barley leaf. Joural of Experimental Botany, 57(5):1079-1095