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Xu XianliPh.D, Professor

Positions:Head, Group of Ecohydrology





Research Interests:

  Ecohydrology and Vadose Zone Hydrology;

  Climate Change and Human Activity Impacts;

  Soil Threats Assessment (soil erosion; compaction, sealing, carbon loss);

  Ecosystem Functions and Service;

  GIS and Remote Sensing.


  Ph.D.Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PR China, 2008.

  M.S. Physical Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, PR China, 2005.

  B.S. Resources and Environment Management, Southwest Normal University (currently Southwest University), Chongqing, PR China, 2002.

Professional History:

  Professor, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China, 2013-present.

  Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, USA, 2011- 2013.

  Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University College Cork, Cork, the Republic of Ireland, 2008-2011.

  Assistant Manager of GIS Lab, Southwest Normal University (currently Southwest University), Chongqing, PR China,1999-2001.

Commitment to research the situation
Community service

1.Xu, X., Liu, W., Rafique, R., Wang, K., 2013. Revisiting Continental U.S. Hydrologic Change in the Latter Half of the 20th Century. Water Resources Management.

2.Xu, X., Scanlon, B.R., Schilling, K., Sun, A., 2013. Relative importance of climate and land surface changes on hydrologic changes in the US Midwest since the 1930s: Implications for biofuel production. Journal of Hydrology 497, 110-120.

3.Xu, X., Lewis, C., Liu, W., Albertson, J.D., Kiely, G., 2012. Analysis of single-ring infiltrometer data for soil hydraulic properties estimation: Comparison of BEST and Wu methods. Agr Water Manage 107, 34-41.

4.Liu, W., Xu, X.*, Kiely, G., 2012. Spatial variability of remotely sensed soil moisture in a temperate-humid grassland catchment. Ecohydrology 5, 668-676.

5.Xu, X., Liu, W., Kiely, G., 2011. Modeling the change in soil organic carbon of grassland in response to climate change: Effects of measured versus modelled carbon pools for initializing the Rothamsted Carbon model. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140, 372-381.

6.Xu, X., Liu, W., Zhang, C., Kiely, G., 2011. Estimation of soil organic carbon stock and its spatial distribution in the Republic of Ireland. Soil Use Manage 27, 156-162.

7.Xu, X., Kiely, G., Lewis, C., 2009. Estimation and analysis of soil hydraulic properties through infiltration experiments: comparison of BEST and DL fitting methods. Soil Use Manage 25, 354-361.

8.Xu, X.-L., Liu, W., Kong, Y.-P., Zhang, K.-L., Yu, B., Chen, J.-D., 2009. Runoff and water erosion on road side-slopes: Effects of rainfall characteristics and slope length. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14, 497-501.

9.Liu, W., Xu, X.*, Luo, J., Shen, Z., Zhong, Q., 2009. Spatial distribution of land cover and vegetation activity along topographic gradient in an arid river valley, SW China. Journal of Mountain Science 6, 274-285.

10.Xu, X.-L., Ma, K.-M., Fu, B.-J., Liu, W., Song, C.-J., 2008. Soil and water erosion under different plant species in a semiarid river valley, SW China: the effects of plant morphology. Ecol Res 24, 37-46.

11.Xu, X.-L., Ma, K.-M., Fu, B.-J., Song, C.-J., Liu, W., 2008. Influence of three plant species with different morphologies on water runoff and soil loss in a dry-warm river valley, SW China. Forest Ecology and Management 256, 656-663.

12.Xu, X.-L., Ma, K.-M., Fu, B.-J., Song, C.-J., Liu, W., 2008. Relationships between vegetation and soil and topography in a dry warm river valley, SW China. Catena 75, 138-145.

13.Xu, X., Zhang, K., Kong, Y., Chen, J., Yu, B., 2006. Effectiveness of erosion control measures along the Qinghai–Tibet highway, Tibetan plateau, China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 11, 302-309.