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(ISSASR-2)First Announcement

The Second International Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture for Subtropical Regions



First Announcement


Changsha, People’s Republic of China

September 15-18, 2010 


Organized by:

The Institute of Subtropical Agricultural, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and Naresuan  University, Thailand


The subtropical zone includes 41 countries, most of which are lesser developed and are increasingly facing pressures from a rapidly growing population and from poverty. The sustainable increase of agricultural productivity is vitally important to address these issues, which are compounded by limitations and ineffective use of land resources and fertilizers, and soil and environmental degradation. Because farming systems are usually small-scale, agricultural production in the subtropical zone is usually more complicated and often receives less technical support compared to other zones. Also, implicating what are perceived by some to be ineffective agricultural systems in the emission of ‘green-house gases’ and their effects on climate change will increasingly focus attention on agricultural practices in food-producing areas, including the subtropics.  Therefore, measures, including policy, science and technology, and extension, are urgently needed to further develop and sustain agricultural systems in the subtropical zone, in terms of both increasing their productivity and reducing their impacts on the regional environment and global change.

This symposium will address the production and environmental issues that are central to the development of sustainable agriculture in the subtropical zone worldwide. 

? Themes and Papers

The symposium will aim to bring together agricultural and environmental research and management specialists, and policy makers concerned with key issues on agricultural production in the subtropical zone worldwide, with the main themes as follows:
1) Sustainable crop production systems and food security
2) Soil, water, and nutrient management for sustaining agricultural eco-systems
3) Integrating crops and livestock
4) Impacts of agricultural production on the environment and global change

Two invited keynote speakers will address each of the four themes; voluntary papers will follow. Poster sessions will also be arranged.

? Field Tours

1) A half-day field excursion relating to agricultural systems and the local environment in Changsha City.
2) A three-day tour following the symposium to Zhang-Jia-Jie National Park.

Participants may choose their option of the field tour indicated in the registration form.

? Date and Venue

The symposium will be held between September 15-18, 2010 in Changsha City, Hunan province, China. The optional three-day tour will follow. 

? Accommodation

A 4-star hotel in the downtown area of Changsha City will be arranged with other hotels also available in the city.

? Financial Support

The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture are able to provide financial support to the invited speakers and members of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, if required

Other participants may apply for financial support by to the secretariat through meeting@isa.ac.cn, or http://issasr.isa.ac.cn, or fax 0086-731-84619736. The number of participants who may be granted this support will be limited, with the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture making the decision.

? Registration

A registration fee is required from participants who do not receive financial support. This covers publications, travel during the symposium, food, and a banquet provided by the symposium. The cost of accommodation and the 3-d tour is additional. Early registration is recommended because of the limitation on participant numbers and accommodation.

The standard registration fee is US$ 150 (free for students).
To register please complete the registration form, which is available with this brochure and at the symposium web-site (www.isa.ac.cn), and submit it electronically to meeting@isa.ac.cn, or http://issasr.isa.ac.cn, or fax it to 0086-731-84619736. Registration is possible during the duration of the symposium.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is on May 15, 2010.
? Organizing Committee

Chair:  Professor Kelin Wang, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, China
Co-chair:  Professor J. Keith Syers, Naresuan  University, Thailand
Executive Chair: Professor Jinshui Wu, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, China
Symposium Secretary:  Professor Ziliang Tan, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, China

? International Scientific Advisory Committee(in alphabetical order)
Anthony G. O’Donnell, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Western Australia, Australia
Achim Dobermann, Dr., Deputy Director (Research), International Rice Research Institute, CGIAR, Philippines
Alistair Hicks, Dr., former FAO Senior Regional Officer, Australia
Bojie Fu, Professor, Research Center of Ecology and Environment, CAS, China
C. L. Manzur, Dr., Soil Reclamation and Development, AGPC, FAO, Rome
Iain Wright, Dr., Regional Representative, Asia, International Livestock Research Institute, CGIAR, India
J. Keith Syers, Professor, Consultant to the President (International Development), Naresuan University, Thailand
Jinshui Wu, Professor, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS, China
Kelin Wang, Professor, Director, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS, China
Kevin D. Hyde, Associate Professor, School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University. Thailand
Kyoung-Woong Kim, Professor, Former Director, International Environmental Research Center, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
Longpin Yuan , Professor, National Center for Hybrid Rice, China
Luc M. Maene, Dr., Director General, International Fertilizer Industry Association, France
Phil Brookes, Dr., Professor, Rothamsted Research, Uk
Patrick Wall, Dr., CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, CGIAR, Zimbabwe
Paul Maughan, Dr., Massey University, New Zealand
Peerasak Chaiprasart, Dr., Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Naresuan University, Thailand
Qinxue Wang, Professor, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Rod Lefroy, Dr., Regional Research Leader, CIAT in Asia, CGIAR, Lao PDR
Shimin Luo, Professor, South China Agricultural University, China
Terry L. Roberts, Dr., International Plant Nutrition Institute, USA
Rigan Xu, Professor, vice dean, the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), China
Yulong Yin, Professor, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS, China

? Abstracts

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words of text and should list the title, the name of author(s) and affiliation. They should be typed with double spacing on A4 size paper using Times New Roman 12 font.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically to meeting@isa.ac.cn, or http://issasr.isa.ac.cn. The deadline for receipt is May 15, 2010.
? Correspondence

Dr  Tida Ge
The Secretariat of ISSASR-2
Institute of Subtropical Agriculture
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Changsha City
Hunan Province 410125
People’s Republic of China

Email: meeting@isa.ac.cn
Website:  http://issasr.isa.ac.cn
Tel: 0086-731-84619736
Telephone: 0086-15973155879
Fax:  0086-731-84619736

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